Ongoing Projects
✅Construction of 94.274 m Long P.C Girder Lesraganj Bridge at 24th Km. on Baniajuri-Zitka-Harirampur Road (Z-5064) under Manikganj Road Division, Manikganj during the year 2020-2021 (TID 534869)
✅Construction of Vehicle Inspection Centre (VIC) Of Bangladesh Road Transport Authority ( BRTA) At Mirpur, Dhaka (TID 621269)
✅Construction of Toll Plaza with Canopy and 04 (Four) nos Toll Booth at (a) Patuakhali Bridge (b) Sheikh Kamal Bridge (c) Sheikh Jamal Bridge & (d) Sheikh Rasel Bridge Under Patuakhali Road Division during the year 2021-2022. (TID 622424)
✅Construction of 62.00m (2×15.25m RCC + 30.488m Steel Truss) Long Bridge at 30th Km. (Ch. 29+270) of Arpera-Kaliganj Road (Z-7021) at Kaliganj Bazar under Periodic Maintenance Programme (PMP Bridge) (TID 624624)
✅Construction of Toll Plaza with 05 (Five) nos. Toll Both Canopy & Rigid Pavement at Doarika Bridge Under Barishal Road division during the year 2021-2022 (TID 632688)
✅Construction of (a) Toll Plaza with 03 (Three) nos. Toll Both Canopy (b) Rigid Pavement and (c) Street Light at Dapdapia Bridge Under Barishal Road division during the year 2021-2022 (TID 632810)
✅Construction of (a) Toll Plaza with 03 (Three) Nos Toll Booth & Canopy (b) Rigid pavement & (c) Street Light at Balaswar Bridge Under Pirojpur Road Division during the year 2021-2022 (TID 633636)
✅Construction of Underpass at Ch. 94+800 km (Sadar Dhakin Upazilla Gate) of Dhaka-Chattogram National Highway (N-1) under Road Division, Cumilla during the year 2021-2022. (TID 648230)
✅Construction of Underpass at Ch. 90+150 km (Beltoli Near Cumilla University) of Dhaka-Chattogram National Highway (N-1) under Road Division, Cumilla during the year 2021-2022. (TID 648231)
✅Construction of Toll Booth with Canopy and Rigid Pavement work & Toll Monitoring Building at Shahid Rafiq Shetu (Dhalla Bridge) at 4th (P) km of Hemayetpur-Shingair-Mainkgonj (R-504) Road under Dhaka Road Division during the year 2021-2022. (TID 656420)
✅Repair by Base type-I, Dense Bituminous Surfacing Wearing Course including necessary repair work & Sign/Signal, KM post & Road Marking from at Ch.16+127 to 31+380 KM of Hili-Salaipur-Kalai Road (Z-5509) under Road Division, Joypurhat during the year 2022-2023. (TID 725824)
✅Construction of 03 (Three) storied Sub-Divisional Engineers office building including boundary wall under improvement of 6-Laning of Narayanganj Link Road (R-111) (Signboard-Chasara) project under Narayanganj Road Division during the FY 2022-2023 (TID 728802)
✅Periodic Maintenance Programme Providing Aggregate Base type-1, DBS – Wearing Course and Rigid Pavement work from LRP Ch. 0+000 km (Bajra) to Ch. 4+000 km (Kuliarchar) of Bajra- Kuliarchar Road (Z-3609) Under Kishoreganj Road Division during the year 2022-2023 (TID 735067)
✅DBS Wearing Course Work Under PMP At Ch. 2+600Km To 7+900 Km And Ch 8+350 Km To 8+800 Km Of Palashbari-Ghoraghat Road (Z-5852) Under Road Division Gaibandha During The year Of 2022-2023 (TID 726844)
✅Periodic Maintenance Program (PMP) (Road-Major) Work by Widening and Surfacing work Providing with Aggregate Base type-I, DBS-base course & DBS-wearing course work at Sharp Bend and Bazar Portion from Ch.0+000 (Parker Moor) to Ch. 0+535 (BADC), Ch.2+214 (Beez Udpadon Office) to Ch. 2+804 (Abdullah Filling Station), Ch. 3+232 (Satmatha) to Ch. 6+450 (Nobdigang Bazar) & Ch. 11+100 (Mirbag Bazar) to Ch. 11+400 (Mirbag Bazar) of Rangpur Barobari-Kurigram Road (N-506) under Road Division, Rangpur during the year 2022-2023 (TID 729167)
✅Construction of 130.85 m (3×42.68 m) long P.C Girder Ratnai Bridge at 8th km (Ch. 7+3+10 m) on Lalmonirhat-Phulbari Road (Z-5901) & Construction of 2 vent 4.00 m x 4.00 m Box culvert on Lalmonirhat-Moghalhat Road (Z-5907) at 8th km (Ch. 7+630 m) under Road Division, Lalmonirhat during the year 2022-2023 (WP-02) (TID 747009)
✅Construction of 05 Nos RCC Box culvert at Ch. 13th (12+350), & Ch.(12+700), Ch.14th, Ch. 15th and Ch. 16th Km of Madhaypara-Aftabganj-Nawabganj Road(Z-5561) under Road Division Dinajpur during the year 2022-2023 (TID 735267)
✅Construction of Underpass from Jatio Sangsad Bhaban Plaza to Residence of Perliament Member’s Across Manik Mia Avenue under Dhaka Road Division, Dhaka during the year 2022-2023 (TID757100)
✅Construction/Installation of 02 nos Bailey Bridge with Steel Foundation and Construction of Approach road pavement at 10th (p) Km of Dhaka (Banani)- Tongi-Joydebpur-Mymensingh road (N-03) under Gazipur Road Division, Gazipur during the year 2022-2023 (TID 763852)